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On Display Now

Through July 28th, 2024

at City Art Cooperative Gallery

The Posture Studies

Roberto Osti lays out a stereometric approach to drawing the body in the first chapter of his book Basic Human Anatomy: An Essential Guide for Visual Artists. Representing a body in proportional blocks based on the height of the head centers focus on the proportions and posing of the figure. In my Posture Studies I use pattern pieces based on the proportions presented by Osti to cut the same pieces for each sculpture and explore the different postures I can get these clay bodies to take.

May 2024 at City Art Cooperative Gallery

The Adornment Series

I have been making fleshy dudes for years; their curves and smooth surfaces have always made me think of bodies and skin. A call for art in all black and white inspired the three large sculptures in "The Adornment Series." I mirrored the high contrast in the color palette with the straight and angular lines of the adornments against the fleshy dudes curves. These pieces are finished in black and white underglazes, which have a porous finish that absorbs water and oils and is therefore susceptible to marks and smudges. The white underglaze shows these marks especially easily, while the areas with clear glaze accents are sealed against them.

More Black & White

I made "More Black & White" to continue to explore these ideas, separating the black and white into inanimate objects and fleshy vessels. The black inanimate objects stand alone and are not designed to be worn or fit to a body. The insides of the white fleshy vessels are protected with clear glaze and the folds are all vertical or all horizontal instead of being naturally arranged. While these details differ from "The Adornment Series," the fleshy vessels still have natural lines and appear to be one piece. The inanimate objects still have straight and angular lines, clear accents on the outer faces, and are a composite of smaller repeating pieces.

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